The ADHD Brain (An Allegory Poem)
Misfired Faeries
Unable to fly, their wings painful
In Purity, the whole spectrum
A miniscule universe carefully painted
On each petal sized wing
The normal person
Cannot see, nor comprehend how hard they try
They are not believed in
Misfired faeries
Unable to fly, time and time again
They try
Make it halfway, their wings fail
Flat, stale, and forgotten
They fall short
Wings flutter sadly, slowly, then fast again
But nothing propels them upward
Misfired, like a Fourth of July firework
Lit with excitement, anticipation, glowing at first
Then nothing, stuttering out
How can you know how delicate they are
The words do not come
If you were to believe in them, I would tell you
Their plight is a long one, a life time
Every flutter of the way is stronger than any other
They try harder, each an Olympian feat
Yet without any medals
They are not like you
With your mind that completes each thought of
A sentence, each word flying out of your mouth
Without effort
If they could talk, it would be disjointed
Like their broken flight, cloudy language
Every syllable backwards, or with the wrong letter, or word
If you believed in them, I would tell you
They have wings like any other, but they were made
In a different way, to stay on the ground,
But not still
The misfired Faeries
Do not know yet that they
Are the balance
That life
is a circle that they complete
Staying on the ground to help others lift off,
To make a new way to fly
A completely new way, so far
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