Friday, July 8, 2011

Bumper Sticker Theology

She has this gift
You see
Words that are in her head
Which her tongue cannot speak
or her mind cannot spell
Much less write
Yet she does
If you ask her
She says she hears words in her head
like carnation, but not the flower
or exit, not meaning taking leave
but going forever
instead of just saying the word death
Dire things come out of her head
Onto the paper, the words
Fall flat
Like sliding pancakes

   Right off your plate
       To fall onto the floor
                         At your feet
You have to decide whether to pick them up
And take a bite
Or decide that they are soiled
Its the same with truth
A decision made
Instead of a concrete thing
Never do the words come out
As True or False questions
Too easy
She lives inside her head
pretending to play cards with herself
Ignoring the words
Stretching rubberbands
Which is code for cigarettes
It was their time to exit
They decided not to
Like living in a tent in the Southern fried Summer
is better than taking a short tunnel ride
It isn't known who was supposed to exit
Do you like your existence
Does it make sense
Universally speaking, its all a joke, a trick
A slight of hand, or a rabbit's foot
throwing salt over the shoulder
That was neither a yes
Nor a no question
It just is, they say
It just is
Or she tells me that they do
Until it isn't
It isn't
Bumper sticker theology
Little fishies on the backs of cars
And peace signs not making it very far
Fuel is tight, just like money
And war is just nature
Little fuzzy field mice fighting for their life
And the guy behind you calling you a "Jack" something
When really you're a Jill
Take that, you inbred mongrel
Genetically sliced and diced as seen on TV
the DNA chain losing many links
Distortion, Dis-evolution, De-evolving
Until you can only speak in grunts and lift fingers up
at people, too stupid to take the exit
But that's me, and that's him

Not her
would just look ahead

Stay still
Close her eyes
If asked
And say, What is your next question



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