Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Okay get this
Time slips
A crack in my landscape
The backyard, right where the grass meets the trees
I stand
And it just opens up
It skips, time does
Like a scratched CD, a song or voice repeating itself
Over and over in a smoker’s voice
But the slip is silent
No door
Just transparency all around me
So I walk through
You got it
I walk through
And I am stretched out on the couch
Right shoulder balancing the phone
Watching the TV on mute
The old show “Love Connection”
Funny when muted
Because the couples lick their lips
Before talking
And kind of twitch or toss their hair
Over their shoulder
And blink, or shudder, moving
Their bodies in suggestive ways
That wouldn’t be noticed with the sound on
Talking to my best friend
I call him Trosclair
He calls me Clothilde
Old Cajun French names
Our pact is that  
He will lose weight and I will quit smoking
He keeps me from trying to kill myself
Talking in a smooth voice, soft for a man
But not too pansy
Keeps me seeing the big stuff
Not focused on the little things like why
I am not good enough
Or pretty enough, or smart enough
We just watch it in silence laughing and making remarks
Time Slips
It jerks me back
I am at the computer
Sitting on a chair
We are this age now, much older
He says “Hello, How are you?”
I reply, “Good, and you?”
Twenty Years
Hey says back to me,
“Jesus is my rock,
About 4 years ago I gave my life to Christ
And it hasn't been the same.
I couldn't imagine my life w/o Him.”
What a Jerk
That was, not a slip, or skip
But a big jerk
Into reality, and yet not real
My two years being a best friend to him
I was erased
I wasn’t a person
And He wasn’t there for me
Keeping my feet on the ground, not
Pulling away at the weeds of my negativity
Did you get that?

“Jesus, huh?,” I said back.
I like him too.


At August 1, 2011 at 3:53 PM , Anonymous Mandy said...

ok. now this is genius. well done rae. Powerful. powerful.

At August 2, 2011 at 8:03 AM , Blogger chewyraezen said...

wow. huge compliment. thank you Mandy. =o)


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