Monday, April 29, 2013

To be or not To Be Human

The beauty of online relationships is that you don't have to see or share the annoying aspects of being a human being. I'm talking about those little nuances and disgusting habits that people have. The nose pickers, crotch grabbers, butt scratchers, nail biters, flip flop sliders, zit poppers, intentional burp and farters and those people who go to the bathroom and don't wash their hands afterward. And what about those that chew food with their mouth open? That annoys the piss out of a friend of mine. That same friend is toxic in that she likes her vodka and gatoraide at all times, even when driving. That's not a habit it's an addiction. She isn't an online friend, she is my friend in person. But being an alcoholic is off the topic. The topic of annoying habits. Which habit do you think is worse? I think being a booger eater tops the list but goes head to head with butt scratching. Having zits and foot fungus is also hopeless afflictions that tend to gross a person out but can't be helped. The countless ads on tv will have you thinking differently. They will also swear that you can lose those pesky thirty pounds by shaking some powder substance on your food. You can also meet your soul mate on tv the ads say. You can even go to a Christian mingle to find you fate or faith rather. Having an online friend is way different than a friend in person. They always share the best of themselves in conversations. It's a 2D way of seeing someone instead of 3D in reality. I wonder if I would like my online friends less if I knew more about them. I feel like I know them from the inside out rather than meeting someone for the first time and judging them on that meeting. There are no first impressions with online friends. They are who they presume to be. They can be as much of themseolves or as little of themselves as they choose to be or what they decide to share. I think I would still like my online friends if they had some of the annoying habits mentioned. Because that makes us more human. We are also more animalistic than we think we are. I know I have a lot in common with my dog. I also like to be scratched and petted and walked. I like my food brought to me. I also enjoy sleep. Would you like me less if you knew I had some annoying habits? Or that me and my dog have similarities? I wonder. I really do.


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